Archive | September 2014

The Traveling Is Over!!! Want a new blog to follow?


Hey everyone. I just want to take a second to thank all of you who followed my blog and joined me throughout my adventures through Eastern Europe. It means the world to me that you did (pun intended). But just because I’m home and back to my busy life at school doesn’t mean that my adventures stop. My photography is stronger than ever, and you can keep up with it on my other blog. Click here to check it out, and follow if you want to. I will not be posting any more to this blog, but it will always be here for the memories. Thank you all again, and see you on my other blog.


P.S. If you want other ways to keep up with me, I am active on almost all social media platforms as well 🙂 Click the links to the right, or search for me using the following info:

My other blog –

Facebook – Connor Morarty

Twitter – ConnorPMoriarty

Instagram – ConnorPMoriarty

Flickr – SlidySwinger13

Here is a sample of my photos on my other blog. See you there!


