
7/25-27 As our last trip of the summer Tori and I traveled, just the two of us, to Lake Ohrid, Macedonia. These are some of the pictures from the trip, one of our favorites. To read about it in my blog post, click here.

7/18-21 This past weekend we traveled to Dubrovnik, Croatia to have the time of our lives. We did so much, including exploring the old town, riding a cable car to the peak of Dubrovnik’s towering mountain, and driving dune buggies through the Croatian outback. Click here to read my blog post about the trip.

7/11-13 Here are some pictures of my weekend trip to Istanbul, Turkey with Tori. Though we didn’t like it very much, we did have some fun times and I got some good pictures out of it. Scroll over the pictures to read the captions. Click here to read my blog post about the weekend.

7/4/14 Here are some of the pictures from our day trip to Peja, Kosovo. During the trip we stopped at the Adem Jashari Memorial, the Peja Brewery, and a beautiful secluded spot by a river in a mountain gorge. It was a fun day. Click here to read my post about the Jashari Memorial, and click here to read my post about the Peja Brewery.

6/27-29 We spent this weekend in the beautiful Budva, Montenegro. We stayed in a mountainside hotel, spent a day at a secluded beach and ate some of the best food I’ve ever had. Click here to see my blog post explaining the whole trip.

6/20/14 Today we spent the day exploring Prizren. Some of the pictures I took are below, but where we went, what we did, and more pictures can be found on my post about Prizren by clicking here.

6/14/14 Random pics from a walk today.

6/13/14 Photos of a quick day tour around Prishtina. We went to the Ethnological Museum of Kosovar History, watched a woman prepare a traditional Albanian dish, Flija, and toured Albanian homes built in the 18-19th century. Other than that, we wandered the back streets of the city.

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