About Me

My name is Connor Moriarty and I am a junior Photojournalism student at Miami University in Oxford, OH. I also study Spanish. I write and take pictures for the campus newspaper, The Miami Student, and I have worked as an international photojournalist stationed in Prishtina, Kosovo. I love sports, a good book, and you can always see me with my camera. Enjoy my blog about my travels throughout eastern Europe!

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2 responses to “About Me”

  1. Steve Qua says :

    With great risk of sounding like your father I share a few thoughts….

    1. The only difference between you the day you came into the world and you the day you leave this world is the sum of your experiences. You are about to have one that you couldn’t have imagined a few short months ago. An experience that can go a long way to creating the Connor of the future. Make the most of it. This is not the time for an afternoon nap.

    2. Sacrifices have been made so that you can do this; respect them.

    3. Have a blast; make new memories but be aware that one doesn’t peak in college. Come home safe so you can find the top of your mountain.

    4. Your father will be excited for what you are about to learn and see. Although your mother will be too, her focus will be on you not being home. Communicate with her often (and not through this blog)

    • Connor Moriarty says :

      Those are words from a wise man right there. Thanks for the support and I will remember to appreciate what you said.

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